Tuesday 30 July 2013

How to look like a stupid on the road - Part I

Some of the irritations on the Indian roads that we face daily

1) You wait for the traffic light to turn green and the traffic cop who mans the junction shouts at you to go even when the light is red.. you look like a stupid for waiting for the light

2) You continue to wait for the signal when there are no traffic cops shouting at you and start to move when the light turns green and you have the guys from the other side who were waiting also moves and blocks your way. You start to question what was the purpose for waiting for light?

3) This happens especially when you are riding a motorcycle, you are waiting for the signal and the car or bus or a tempo which is behind you keeps inching forward and honking asking you to move. You are frightened that they will run you over. You fearing your life move to the left end of the road and hope that no bus or larger vehicle comes and stops behind you

4) People honking or flickering their lights to ask for way when you are in a bumper to bumper traffic.. Not sure where they want us to move to? I wish I can fly... even if I could the guy before and before that are not going to fly

5) People who cut across and you try to block them from doing that just to see the guy before you leave way....

More to follow

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